MidAmerican Energy Company
According to the applicant the project proposes a cost-effective approach of utilizing existing and planned communication networks to provide connectivity for ISPs to deliver broadband to end users in need. The project offers an opportunity to leverage the applicant’s energy infrastructure management network to provide a high quality, cost-effective middle mile fiber routes.
In addition to building new routes to connect its remaining infrastructure and making that fiber available for middle mile broadband, the applicant will be offering unused capacity on its existing fiber network (24 strands) as new open access middle mile.
Six segments comprising 775 miles of new build will provide 72 fiber strands for dark fiber leasing. Opening 1,365 miles of applicant-owned fiber to public access will provide 24 strands to facilitate last mile connections.
The design also supports efficient connections to unserved and underserved anchor institutions. The resulting network will enable fiber connections that can provide 1 Gbps symmetrical across a wide area of Iowa.

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