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  • MAY 30, 2024 | BLOG

    Celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month: A Q+A with Angela Thi Bennett
  • APRIL 26, 2024 | BLOG

    Building Digital Programming to Support Second Chances
  • APRIL 16, 2023 | BLOG

    Permitting Progress to Support Internet for All


Internet For All is already changing lives. Learn more about how increasing access to high-speed Internet service is improving the lives of every day Americans across the country.

  • New IT Skills Help Three Arizona Students Change Careers

    NTIA awarded Phoenix College more than $4.25 million from the Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program to improve high-speed Internet service capacity and workforce development training.

  • A Retired Veteran Returns to College

    Sterling Williams Jr. was retired from the U.S. Airforce, bored, and looking for a fulfilling way to spend his time. “When you’re retired, there’s only a few things you can do: dig a garden, watch TV, cut the grass, or bowl, and I can’t [bowl] anymore,” said Williams, 62, a Sinton, Texas resident. But his niece suggested something else: going to college. Williams was intrigued but concerned about keeping a flexible schedule. Between picking his niece up from school and waiting for appointments at the Veterans Affairs (VA) clinic, the idea of commuting back and forth for classes seemed like a significant obstacle. Then he learned South Texas College would give him a laptop and hotspot to attend classes remotely.
  • Bilingual Digital Literacy Program Fosters Creativity

    Interview is translated from Spanish 

    Ten-year-old Miguel is putting his new digital literacy skills to an unexpected use: writing stories about his need for a brother. 

    “It is boring only having sisters,” Miguel, who has four sisters, explained. 

Workforce Development

  • SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 | BLOG

    Connecting neighbors to high-speed Internet service in rural Texas
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  • AUGUST 16, 2023 | CASE STUDY

    Charter’s Broadband Field Technician Apprenticeship Program
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  • JULY 19, 2023 | CASE STUDY

    Verizon and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Training Program
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Displaying page 10 - of 10
  • Scoring Big on your Middle Mile Application Series: Budget Information

    The September 30, 2022, application deadline for the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program is just days away. Our aim is to help applicants submit complete, informed, and high-quality applications. This post focuses on the Budget Information section. So here’s how to Be Complete and Score Big! Budget Information
  • Scoring Big on Your Middle Mile Application Series: Project Information

    Who Are Middle Mile Providers? Middle mile service may be offered by a wide range of entities, from traditional retail Internet Service Providers, large technology companies that do not offer retail Internet service at all, or electric utilities that increasingly recognize their capability to transform the communications market. Regardless of who deploys and operates them, middle mile connections are crucial to connectivity and competition.
  • Scoring Big on Your Middle Mile Application Series: Understanding Review and Applicant Information

    Middle mile infrastructure bridges the gap between where information is stored and the people interacting with it – it's an essential part of reliable, high-speed Internet access. Because of the nation’s middle mile networks, anyone in America can transfer data across the world, enabling community, competition, learning, and well-being.
  • NTIA Launches Updated Federal Broadband Funding Guide

    Access to the Internet plays a critical role, serving as a catalyst for work, education, essential services, and more as part of routines in everyday life. But, even today, for many Americans, access to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet is still out of reach.  The federal government operates a number of programs to make funding available to States, local leaders, and other eligible recipients who are engaged in high-speed internet-related activities for their communities.